Kehila Hebrew Sunday school
The educational activities of Kehila primarily consist of a biweekly Hebrew Sunday school. The school provides to our community’s children Jewish secular and democratic education. It endows them with universal and humanistic values, while nurturing leadership and social-environmental responsibility, all in an open-minded approach and with a curriculum that encourages tolerance and multiculturalism.
Principles and guidelines
Our educational work is performed in light of the following principles and guidelines:
Learning Hebrew in an experiential and fun way that helps increase the child's willingness to speak Hebrew, having in mind that for most of the children Hebrew is a second language, and that their levels of understanding and speaking are rather different
Raising the value of Hebrew culture in the eyes of the children, by exposing them to literature, songs and customs
Deepening the children's connection to Jewish traditions and fostering their affinity for Israel
Emotional empowerment of children and helping in the formation of each child’s own identity, while fostering values of friendship, cooperation, pluralism and mutual respect
Encouraging friendships among children and parents
Recognizing that the children’s Jewish and Israeli identity components are merely part of a complex identity mosaic, and that the other components of their identity are equally important
Parents’ involvement in designing lesson plans, in assisting with the school’s operation, and in organizing holiday events and other gatherings